Groups for any level

Three types of groups distinguished by different names to identify more easily the training level of cycle tourists:

Express Group

It’s the group of “die hards”, the groups of cyclists who keep fit more and have in their legs at least 1.000 km of hard training. For the Express group routes can vary from 70 to 130 km with no pause, with an average time speed of 21-28 km.

Cappuccino Group

The group which combines a discret training with the will of enjoying landscape as well. Routes’ length for this group can vary from 60 to 100 km with at least one cappuccino break during the trip, with an average time speed of 15-21 km.

Lavender Group

If you want to enjoy the landscape and your holiday, this is your group. Short and less exacting routes, for those who are not really in a hurry, with an average time speed of 15-18 km. 30 km- routes among sweet slopes and ancient castles…